Monday August 7
Today we wanted to wake up early so that we could be at the Louvre before it opens so that we could get in and see the Mona Lisa before the crowd got there. We woke up some of the other girls that wanted to come with us and they informed us that it was an hour later than we thought, so we got there later than we wanted but were able to go straight to the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo which are the main pieces that we wanted to see. There aren’t pictures allowed at the Mona Lisa but everyone was sneaking them and of course we had to get a picture at the original Mona Lisa! Come on. So we were quickly taking pictures of each other in front of it and kept getting in trouble and we ended up being kicked out of that wing. But at least we got a picture! Then we looked through some of the other exhibits at the Louvre and then went to Notre Dame. It is such a beautiful cathedral. We got to go inside and that was even more beautiful. There was such amazing fan vaulting but because of the akward lighting I couldn’t get very good pictures. Then we spent the afternoon shopping for souvenirs and got a lot of great stuff.

Here i am in front of the original Mona Lisa.
It took a lot of trouble to get this shot, there was
a lady that kept grabbing at the camera. It's a priceless
moment though and i had to get a picture.

Here i am in the Venus de Milo. It is an
ancient Greek statute believed to depict Aphrodite,
the Greek goddess of love and beauty.

Here we are at the Louvre. There was a line we
had to wait in to get this photo.

This is the famous metro signs in Paris designed
by Hector Guimard. It has been so amazing to see
everything in person that i've learned about in my
history classes.

I walked into this hallway and could
identify that this type of art is called Coptic.
I was pretty proud of myself.

Here i am in front of the original Mona Lisa.
It took a lot of trouble to get this shot, there was
a lady that kept grabbing at the camera. It's a priceless
moment though and i had to get a picture.

Here i am in the Venus de Milo. It is an
ancient Greek statute believed to depict Aphrodite,
the Greek goddess of love and beauty.

Here we are at the Louvre. There was a line we
had to wait in to get this photo.

This is the famous metro signs in Paris designed
by Hector Guimard. It has been so amazing to see
everything in person that i've learned about in my
history classes.

I walked into this hallway and could
identify that this type of art is called Coptic.
I was pretty proud of myself.