Wednesday July 2
Today we got to sleep in which was nice. Then we had to finish packing our stuff. Katie and I went to the post office and mailed out our London postcards. Then this afternoon we boarded the Eurostar, which is a train service that connects London with Paris. Trains cross the English Channel via the Channel Tunnel, which is a tunnel that goes under the water. The train runs at 200 mph. When we arrived in Paris we had to get our metro tickets and board the train to our hotel. The metro station is the underground system of Paris so to get down there and back to the street, we had to use so many flights of stairs with all of our luggage and that was extremely challenging. Our hotel is nice so that’s exciting. We went to eat at a little café and had really good sandwiches. After that we walked to the Eiffel Tower, which was incredible!! I felt so lucky to be standing at one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It was so much more than I ever expected. We found a spot on the grass and watched the light show, where the lights sparkle all over the Eiffel Tower for ten minutes. It was so beautiful! There is a large park in front of the tower and couples were scattered all over the lawn cuddling together watching the light show. I was really missing my fiancé. Katie and I got separated from the rest of our group while we were taking some pictures so we got out our little maps and found our way home. I can’t believe I’m in Paris!!!

Every hour, on the hour for ten minutes
the Eiffel Tower sparkles lights and it beautiful.

Every hour, on the hour for ten minutes
the Eiffel Tower sparkles lights and it beautiful.