Saturday July 29
We woke up to the smell of sausage and eggs. Grandma Lynch had fixed us homemade “egg mcmuffins.” Then we took a bus to Culzean Castle. Neither words nor pictures would be able to grasp the full beauty of this castle. It is out in the middle of nowhere surrounded in thousands of trees. The castle is located on these tall cliffs overlooking Culzean Bay, which is part of the Atlantic Ocean. This was by far the most beautiful place I have ever experienced. Something i found interesting about Culzean is that General Eisenhower was given part of Culzean Castle, for his lifetime, to show the gratitude of the Scots to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe. We then took a taxi from there to Burns Cottage where the famous poet, Robert Burns was born in 1757. The gardens were really pretty and it was neat to see the original thatching of the roof. We walked from there to Brig-O-Doon which is a really old bridge, it was beautiful. When we got home Grandma Lynch made dinner for us with DELICIOUS roasted potatoes! Later in the evening we had scones once again! The most wonderful midnight snack! Sunday we woke up to yet another breakfast feast and then dragged ourselves to the train station to make our long trip back to London. What a fabulous weekend! I LOVE SCOTLAND.
Here we are on our "girls camp hike" to Culzean Castle.
The castle was in the middle of no where so we got to
enjoy this beautiful hike through the woods.

This is the first view of the castle that we had. It was
standing near the visitors center. It was amazing to
see this gorgous castle meet never-ending water.

We then came to the entrance of the castle. This is
called the Broken Arch at Culzean Castle. This
structure is over 200 years old.

Here is the front of Culzean Castle and its beautiful driveway.

The gardens had these palm tree type trees that
i found interesting. Isn't the castle magnificent?!?!

Here we are at Burns Cottage. As you can see it
had started to rain. Grandma Lynch said it was
the first rain in 4 months!

These are the gardens at Burns Cottage. You
wouldn't have been able to guess there had been
a drought because of how green everything was!

Here we are on our "girls camp hike" to Culzean Castle.
The castle was in the middle of no where so we got to
enjoy this beautiful hike through the woods.

This is the first view of the castle that we had. It was
standing near the visitors center. It was amazing to
see this gorgous castle meet never-ending water.

We then came to the entrance of the castle. This is
called the Broken Arch at Culzean Castle. This
structure is over 200 years old.

Here is the front of Culzean Castle and its beautiful driveway.

The gardens had these palm tree type trees that
i found interesting. Isn't the castle magnificent?!?!

Here we are at Burns Cottage. As you can see it
had started to rain. Grandma Lynch said it was
the first rain in 4 months!

These are the gardens at Burns Cottage. You
wouldn't have been able to guess there had been
a drought because of how green everything was!