Thursday July 27
Today we had the opportunity to visit an architecture school's art exhibit. They had awesome models and inspiring renderings. It was really neat to see the work and ideas of students. Then we went to the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew. It houses the largest living plant collection in the world. There were so many different kinds of plants and there was even an aquarium. It was way cool!

Here is the cool table that greeted us
with brochures and information.

This room was so neat, there was crazy shapes and design all around.

This is amodele of a building, the little black dot
is a person for scale. What an awesome building!
I love the shape and material.

Katie and I are posing in this display
of electrical wire and lights.

Here is the cool table that greeted us
with brochures and information.

This room was so neat, there was crazy shapes and design all around.

This is amodele of a building, the little black dot
is a person for scale. What an awesome building!
I love the shape and material.

Katie and I are posing in this display
of electrical wire and lights.

This is an Aloe plant at Kew Gardens. After a day
at the beach we just about picked some to apply to
our burns but decided we probably shouldn't.
Here we are in a cave covered in giant vines!
(Brighton, Kaylee, Corrine, Me, Katie)
These were the largest lilly padsI'vee ever seen!