Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday July 17

Today we had the amazing opportunity to go to Windsor Castle. It was great! The architecture of the castle blew me away. It was like nothing I could have imagined. We were given audio wands to give us information about each of the areas. I learned some very interesting facts. Katie and I ate lunch at a little restaurant by all the shops and had a chicken mayonnaise baguette. It was really good. I couldn't finish it all and the waitress looked at me like I was crazy when I asked for a take-home box. It was 28 degrees today (C) so whatever that converts into in what we understand, IT WAS HOT! We caught the tube during rush hour (even though we were advised not to) and it was like walking into a whole new climate, it was hotter, muggier and smellier than ever! Then we came home and blogged. (weird) Then we got invited to join some other girls to go to H&M and couldn't resist obviously.

Katie and I being nerds with our audio visual tour.

Katie and I acting up again! What a beautiful arched doorway.

We bought post cards so that we could have
pictures of these beautiful interiors. This is the
King's Bed Chamber in Windsor Castle.
It had the largest, fluffiest pillow and very colorful!

This is St. George's Hall in Windsor. The scale of
the rooms are to large!

The Queen's Presence Chamber at the
Windsor Castle. Everything was so beautiful!


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